How to Attract a Guy in Four Easy Steps

By Tina L. Jones

Are you tired of spending your evenings alone? Are you worried that you'll never get a real date? Are you unsure of just how to get a guy interested in you? Well look no further because this article will give you four easy steps to get guys to start turning heads when you walk by.

#1 Take Pride in Your Appearance

Guys are not necessarily looking for a pinup girl but they are looking for a girl that takes pride in her appearance. Make sure you look nice before leaving the house, while you don't always have to wear a dress and high heels, try not to wear gym pants and a baggy shirt when you're off to meet that special guy. Makeup is also not pivotal as many guys will like the natural look, but little touches here and there never hurt.

#2 Smile and Have Confidence

Guys are always attracted to confidence and the best way to act confident is to smile. Smiling also has the added benefit of appearing like you are a fun and happy people to be around. Both of these things are very attractive to a guy, and if you're confident in yourself, then guys will really start to take notice.

#3 Have a life

Don't make having a boyfriend the be all and end all of your life. Guys like the idea of a woman having their own lives outside of them, because not only does it mean they can have their own lives as well but they know you won't crumple and freak out if they have to cancel a date. So go out with friends, have a hobby or two and start enjoying life, and soon a guy will come around.

#4 Act Interested

When talking to him, really pay attention to what he's saying. If you don't understand something ask questions. He won't be annoyed that you aren't familiar with his topic, but rather he'll like the fact that you're willing to take the time to learn more about something that's important to him. When talking to him, don't agree with everything he says, but let your real personality and interests shine through. Most guys want a girl they can have a real conversation with and not someone that is going to be a clone of themselves.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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