Why is He Ignoring Me? 3 Reasons Why He Does

By Sarah Nichols Smith

So, you've been dating a guy steadily and thought things are going pretty well until he started ignoring you. It made you ask - Why is he ignoring me? He promised to keep in touch with you but he never did and he seems nowhere to be found. A guy's interest may die down due to a number of reasons but the three that will be mentioned here are the most common reasons.

1 - He lost the chase

Although men love being chased by women, they still have the attraction in women who give them the challenge that they crave. Men don't like it when you're being too easy. They always go for women who are worth chasing. They usually have this feeling that it gives more boosts to their ego if they achieved something through hard work.

2 - No connection

Men and women view things in different ways and in different angles. What is true for you may not be true in his perspective. Whatever is right for you may not be considered as right for him. Sometimes a lack of connection about things that matter is the reason. So, why is he ignoring me? It is because there was no connection between the two of you to begin with.

3 - Wrong impression given

First impressions just don't last. If you think otherwise, you are playing on dangerous grounds. If you gave him an impression on your first meeting that you are up for a chase but later on you turned to be the one who are chasing, it will be an immediate turn off on his side.

So, when you ask "why is he ignoring me," look at the vital things that are present in your relationship with him only then that you will see where it went wrong.

You can actually achieve the opposite if you equip your self with the knowledge about how men act. Surprise him by knowing exactly what to do in a given situation that is supposedly their secret. Men like it when you are able to make the connection and know how they would want things to be done. You can go to http://www.freewebs.com/catchandkeephim/ and see things in a different perspective so that you will be able to have his love in no time. Achieve success in dating and relationships by having knowledge now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Nichols_Smith