Why Men Don't Call After a Date - Insight Into What He's Thinking and Feeling

The question of why men don't call after a date isn't a new one. In fact, women have been wondering about this for years and years. Why is it that you can have a seemingly great date with a guy and then days pass without even a peep from him? Does it mean that he's not interested or is he waiting for you to make the first move? It's obviously a confusing situation and if you happen to really be crazy about him, it makes the whole puzzle that much more complicated.

The number one reason why men don't call after a date is that they don't want to appear too eager. Men have their own set of rules when it comes to telephone etiquette and it includes waiting to call. They also use that time to test us. Men can use your response to telephone calls as a way to gauge your interest in them. A good example is the man who says he'll call after a date and then a day or two passes. If you reach for the phone to call him, before you get a call, he may label you as someone desperate because you're so eager to touch base with him.

Given the fact that men love the pursuit that's involved in dating, calling him before he's called you obviously isn't a good thing. If you want to keep him chasing you, don't call him. The worst case scenario is that he just wasn't hat into you. The more likely cause of his silence is that he's taking his time to call you so he doesn't appear desperate. Patience is really the key when it comes to successful dating so busy yourself with other things and don't wait by the phone.

By Gillian Reynolds

You need to always remember that men and women view phone calls, emails and text in very different ways. If you make the mistake of calling too frequently, at the wrong time or before he's ready to hear from you, you can actually turn him off. Women unwittingly ruin their chances of a future with a man because they are too over eager to hear from him. Don't let this happen to you. For more answers to the age old question of when you should and shouldn't be calling the man in your life, visit this helpful site.

You may think that there's no consequence when you pick up the phone to call the man in your life, but there is. Men pay close attention to when women call them and they'll make assumptions about you based on that. Learn when the perfect time to contact him is so that he'll find you irresistible.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gillian_Reynolds