How to Get a Man to Approach You at a Bar

By Joanne Torres

Think about the last time you walked into a bar and spotted the man of your dreams. You were dying to approach him or be approached by him. There was one major obstacle that was stopping this from happening. You felt insecure and intimidated by his good looks and didn't have the courage to approach him or even look his way. In your mind you felt that he wouldn't like you anyway so you avoid any eye contact and pretend as if you did not see him. He may have spotted you and been attracted to you but your insecurity and lack of confidence may have turned him off. Good news is there is still hope ladies.

Next time you're at a bar and think you have no hope of attracting and seducing a man then think again! So you may be thinking to yourself what can I do to make that gorgeous man on the other side of the bar approach me? Remember the important role that body language plays in attraction and seduction. You have to appear happy, have a smile on your face, make eye contact and make yourself look approachable. Use your eyes to invite this man over. If he still doesn't make a move after all of your flirtatious body language, you can try getting a little closer and continue appearing happy and keeping eye contact. If this man still doesn't budge and come your way then it's time for you to make a move. Start out by making small talk and asking him a question about something he may be doing at that moment. Continue the conversation by asking them a question about themselves. Doing this makes a man open up to you and makes him feel more comfortable interacting with you. The fact that you had the courage to make the first move and talk to this man shows that you are a confident woman that's not afraid of rejection. Confidence is sexy to men and will make men more attracted to you. Remember ladies, attracting this man is the first step in seducing him.

If a good looking man intimidates you then it may be difficult for you to try and make eye contact with that man at the bar and even more difficult to make that first move and approach him yourself if he hasn't come to you. If you find yourself in the predicament where you are intimidated by men then all you have to do is practice talking to men and being comfortable around them. You can do this by talking to men that are already in your life and do not intimidate you such as your male friends, your father, or your brother. After doing this and having built up some confidence you can finally tackle the bar and put your practice to use. Don't be scared yet, I'm still going to make this very easy for you. This is because the first time you hit the bar you will practice your new found confidence and seduction skills on a man who you are not interested in. It is easier to feel more confident around a man who doesn't intimidate you. You will practice smiling and making eye contact with him and even striking up a simple conversation with him if he doesn't take the initiative to approach you first. This will be the ultimate test in seeing if you if you have what it takes to attract and seduce a man. If you are able to seduce this man then you've conquered your mission which is the ability to feel confident enough to attract and seduce any man you desire without feeling intimidated by him.

What if you're at the bar and spot the man of your dreams only to realize he is not alone? He is with a group of friends. What do you do now? Do you still try to make eye contact with him and approach him if he doesn't approach you? If you find yourself in this situation I would suggest that you keep a happy and approachable appearance and even go far as trying to make eye contact with the man. If after your subtle approach to flirting with him from a distance he doesn't come to you then I would just leave him alone. Usually when a man is with his friends he's having a good time on his own and not looking to meet anybody.

If you still do not feel you have the confidence to attract a new man and seduce him maybe it's time to take a look at you appearance. Maybe you haven't had a haircut in over a year? Maybe you're still wearing the same clothes you did ten years ago? Maybe haven't put on any makeup since your high school graduation? If this sounds like you then maybe you need to sex yourself up to feel confident. Go out and get a new sexy outfit that compliments your figure. After you have the outfit, go to the salon and get your hair and makeup done. With your new sexy hair and outfit you're likely to feel a new sense of confidence. This new sexy makeover may be the last thing you're missing to feel like a sexy vixen ready to attract and seduce the man of your dreams the next time you're at the bar.

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