Online Dating Tips For Women - Setting Up Your Account Profile

By Alexandra Scott

When you have finally decided to take the plunge and sign up for an online dating site, you probably get to a point where you are not too sure of what you should do next. It's easy to sign up for an online dating site, but not as easy to fill out your account profile when you are staring at a blank computer screen.

You want to keep in mind exactly what it is that your online dating account profile to do. You want it to say the right things and make the best impression so that you attract the RIGHT kinds of guys, while keeping the "losers" at bay.

What you don't want to do is to get caught up in trying to reveal way too much about yourself. Remember that you have to give a guy a reason to want to come and click on your profile and then chat with you to get to know you.

And you don't want to get bombarded with messages and visits from creeps that you would never give the time of day to.

So, what should you do to get started setting up your online dating profile when you join an online dating site?

Here's a little overview that should help YOU make the right choices so that you DO attract the kind of quality men that you desire:

1. Your account nickname. While a lot of people overlook this, your account nickname is one of the first impressions that someone will get of you. Choose the wrong one, and you can give off an impression that you DON'T want to make on a guy. Try to make sure that it involves something that is reflective of your personality. Just don't choose one that makes you seem too girlie or too easy, or else you are likely to get hit from all sides from guys that you would rather not have anything to do with.

2. Your bio. This is where you really get to share a little bit about who you are and what kind of personality that you have. Don't be afraid to be descriptive and honest here. Your online dating bio will help to act as a filter to weed out the guys that would NOT be a good match for you, as well as suck in the guys that would be perfect for you. Just remember that you are not writing a book, just sharing a little bit about yourself to entice a man to want to get to know MORE about you.

3. Your hobbies and interests. This is where you get to share what you like to do in your free time, what kinds of music you enjoy, and what books that you might read. You don't want to overlook this area, as this is another section where you get to share things about you as well as filter out the guys that you would never be able to get along with. Honesty is pretty key in this section as well, as you don't want to end up attracting a guy who loves country music if you despise it.

4. Your PHOTOS. This is probably the MOST IMPORTANT section of all. Most guys are really into checking out pictures when they are on an online dating site, and you want to make sure that you choose the right ones to share. Sure, you will attract a lot of eyes if you throw up some scantily clad pictures of yourself, but most of those eyes will belong to the kinds of men that you don't want to attract. Use pictures that show you looking your best, but also ones that reflect your personality. This is a section that you want to spend a decent amount of time on, if you want to experience online dating success.

5. Your blog/diary/notes. Most online dating sites will have a section where you can keep a blog or a diary of sorts and this can be very effective at showing more of who you are and how you tick. Just remember that you may not want to reveal details or things that are too intimate about yourself, as there will be people that read these that you may not want to.

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