By Anthony S Carter
You see it everywhere these days. Commercial after commercial for countless dating web sites assure you that the key to ever-lasting love in your relationship begins with deep compatibility. So important is it that compatibility between you and your potential partner all but guarantees you'll never have a single quarrel, a single road bump on your way to marital bliss. Or so the big match maker web sites seem to want you to believe. But, is there more to it than that?
First of all, what is compatibility, exactly? Well, think about it this way. Do you surround yourself with people that you have absolutely nothing in common with? Of course not. What would you ever have to talk about or do together? Instead, you pick and choose your friends based on them having similar hobbies and interests or even a similar way in which they think and "see" things as you do. You do the same thing when you choose your partners.
Typically, you might find out what you and your potential partner have in common during the dating process. However, many web sites now claim to do all of the hard work for you by comparing the results of your personality profile questions and comparing them to the answers of others. Essentially, all of the individuals that would probably not make a good match for you are weeded out, while those with the most similarities are presented to you so that all you have to do is choose the ones you are most attracted to physically. The algorithm used to find the best "matches" for you is, of course, more complex than this, and it varies depending on the service provider. Sounds good, so far, but does it guarantee anything?
Does compatibility in a relationship guarantee that you and your partner will never have disagreements? In a word, no. Why? Simple. There will always be some areas in which the two of you differ. It doesn't really matter how compatible you and your potential partner are. There's no such thing as being 100% compatible with someone. There are just too many variables about each of us, and those qualities are what make us all unique as individuals. It is the qualities that we possess that differ from our partners that can potentially breed conflict. However, the likelihood that two people with a greater degree of compatibility will have an easier time relating to one another is certainly probable.
With the concept of preselected "matches" being provided for us these days by dating web sites, it's no wonder that an important aspect of being in a relationship seems to be less obvious to us all than it might have been in the past. The truth is, every relationship will take some work. We can't expect to sit back and put complete faith in the idea that our partners and ourselves will just "fit" so well that everything will always be wonderful without any extra effort on our part.
There is an old saying that anything worth having never comes easy. Apply the same to your love relationship. Remember that sometimes it will take a little work. After all, isn't the happiness and joy of sharing your life with someone else worth it?
Knowledge is power. Read into your relationship, and discover the "secrets" to happiness and success in dating, marriage, and more.
Article Source: [] Compatibility in Relationships - A Guarantee For Never Suffering Another Break Up?