Do Not Play Unless It Is for Keeps - Play Hard to Get and Make Him Yours!

By George Christodoulou

Is it true that you can win the love of a man by playing hard to get? What do people say about this? Mostly, women are the ones playing hard to get. How can a woman play hard to get? Well, here are some ideas to help you win the love you are aiming for. People say in order to win someone's love there are many things you should do and consider. Let us get started. First, you must play hard to get.

Wrong bait for the right fish

Physical attraction is a great factor in getting attention from others. Most women are showing their physical attributes to attract men, sometimes even using sex as bait. Those who are doing it, they are doing it wrong! Men are easily attracted by physical attributes. However, this attraction is not what women are looking for. Men interpret these attractions as for casual affairs or just for flings. Then after an affair, he will most probably find someone better than you because he got bored and it will be easy for him to change partners. Is there any benefit for a woman in this situation? None at all. That is why many say that in order to get the love that you want you should play hard to get.

First rule

In order to win the love that you want, first of all you must pick the man you want. Not just anybody. He must be the one you think is the potential husband for you. Then, you must show that you have your eyes on him, making him the apple of your eye. Always flash your sweetest smile when you are meeting him.

Second Rule

Men are not insensitive. They will know the meaning of every look and smile you are throwing at them. They will know if you are interested to him. This is the hint; when he catches you smiling or looking at him, try to look away as if you are looking for something else. Smile to let him know you are interested in him. However, stop smiling or look away so that he cannot deduce that you really need him.

Trial and error

Try this one. If you see him, try to chat with him. Talk about something nice like what are his favorites, what are the things that interest him the most. When you become comfortable in chatting with him and he becomes comfortable, cut it. Make some alibi. Play hard to get. Then if you see him on casual occasions, try talking to him again. Always make him want to talk to you more, but when he is getting comfortable, again, cut it short and try talking to some friends around. Make him follow you.

You are not his mother

Many women think that they are showing interest in a guy by always following him, always chatting with him, consistently calling him, checking where he is, if he already had breakfast, lunch, dinner, sending love letters, buying gifts for him, and acting like his mother. However, in fact, this is showing the guy how needy you are. Guys are not attracted to needy women. So, if you really want to win in the game of love, play hard to get.

Bonus Tip: If you really want to get a guy to commit to you, make him love you, or just ask him on a date, there is a free guide for you:


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