Find the Love of Your Life - 4 Flirting and Dating Tips For Women

Love is THE most complicated word in the world. We all know how hard it is to find true love and make it last, hell the divorce rate in this country is around 50%! Obviously we have trouble in this society with relationships. I hope to help with these flirting tips and dating tips.

#1- Men need to feel like MEN The age of feminism was great for the careers of women; however it did a number on our relationships with men. Men need you to need them to protect you and provide for you. (No this does not give you permission to be clingy or a gold digger!) Women tend to be too independent in turn we behave almost as men sometimes! This is a real turn off for men. Let your man drive, let him pay for dinner (you can always offer nicely, but never force the issue too much, again you'll sound like another guy. Straight men obviously do not want to date 'men'!)

#2- FLIRTING TIP: Realize how great it is to be a woman Yes sometimes being a women sucks, hello PMS is not a walk in the park! But complaining is NOT attractive to men. Most men like women who are feminine, graceful, caring, confident and POSITIVE. Men can sense a women with feminine energy, this is attractive to guys, whether or not they realize it! You don't have to look like Gisele Bundchen to be attractive to men; all you need is positive feminine energy!

#3- Reshape your beliefs and negative feelings towards men Yes we've all been through heartbreak, whether its romantic or not, some men have hurt us. But we can not let the stupid actions of a few men ruin our view of the entire population! Remember there are plenty of awful women out there but we don't want a man to generalize us based on those few women, do we? NO! That's exactly why you should think back on your life and any negative images or feelings you have towards a man, any man, and release them. My favorite exercise of release is to picture the negative thing written on a balloon, really feel that emotion or re-live that memory. When you feel ready forgive that person or yourself for that negative time in your life and simply let the cloud float to heaven so you can be free to move on in a more positive energy!

#4- Commutation is KEY (But not all communication is treated equally) Men and women communicate differently, we all know this, yet for thousands of years we've never really grasped it. Men talk to get from point A to B as quickly and possible, they just don't have the attention span for anything else! Women on the other hand can talk for hours to each other, bouncing around from topic to topic, bonding all the while! Men end up tuning women out when they go on like this because it's NOT how they 'bond' with people. It's important that you keep your conversations interesting but without all the girly fluff. I promise this will not only separate you from other girls in his mind, but you'll get much closer because he'll feel 'understood' more!

By Meave O'Brien

Meave O'Brien is a writer, love coach and avid reader. She is on a mission to help you improve your love life! Please feel free to visit her site for more information on flirting and dating. Flirting Tips and Tricks

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