How to Keep a Guy Interested in You - Amazing Ways to Keep a Guy Interested

Finding a true soul mate can be a difficult and frustrating task. Right now you might be at a stage where you fear the guy your perusing might not be interested in you anymore. The idea of him going to another woman who excites him more just hurts because you put your effort into the relationship.

Men are difficult to understand, but once you learn about a few fundamental ideas you will not be able to get him to stop thinking about you.

To start, you have to keep a veil of mystery. Don't tell this guy everything about your life. Sneak in a few strange and interesting details about yourself every so often. Just like a great story, you want to keep him hungry for more.

Secondly, Keep busy with something you are truly passionate about. If you love animals, join a community service program and help them. Men love it when their girls are interesting and give them something to brag to their friends about. Every time this guy even looks at an animal you want him to think of you. It's the passion about the activity that will really separate you from other ordinary women. When he calls, don't pick up and tell him you are busy working on your passion. Even better, pick up the phone and tell him your busy and you will call him back.

Finally, when you do see him, give him all the attention he can handle. This variation of relaxed and attentive behavior will drive him wild. He knows you have other interests and with your spare time you actually choose him. He will appreciate this and it will keep him interested in you.

To keep a man interested, these strategies are great, but there is so much more you need to learn. For example, when should you call? What has proven to be the best time to say "I love you"? How do you know if your guy is still interested and how do you get him back?

By George Christodoulou

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You deserve a man who will love you unconditionally forever. Only you can make that happen: How to Keep a Guy Interested

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