How to Let a Guy Know You Like Him - 4 Ways That Say it All

By Sarah Nichols Smith

It is not wrong to ask "how to let a guy know you like him." It is human nature to find the ways especially in the world of dating and relationships if the guys you like have no clue and idea as to what you are feeling. However, there are four ways that can subtly say it all.

Just like you, men don't have the power to read minds and sometimes they need to know directly because they don't want complications. So, here is what you need to do:

1 - Smile at him a lot

Now, this does not mean you have to look stupid smiling at nothing. But smile in a sensual and intimate manner only meant for him. Remember that a smile, no matter how small, can melt even the toughest heart. Furthermore, it adds to your charm.

2 - Manage to get eye contact

"The eyes are the window of the soul." This particular old saying always hold true. Whether you lie or say the truth, the eyes will always reveal it no matter how much you try to conceal them. Look at him and let your eyes talk. Granted that your guy isn't really that clueless, he will notice and he will know.

3 - Be yourself

Nobody will like someone who pretends to be someone that they are not. It is another truth that you need to accept. If the guy will like you for who you are and what you have then you're lucky as well because you both will find a relationship that is based on honesty.

4 - Chemistry

How do you connect with him? And how to get a guy know you like him? If you see that your connection is a disaster then perhaps you need to reconsider your feelings and think about it more. After all, you are risking your heart in the process. Don't risk it for nothing.

How to get a guy know you like him? The answer is simple, just put your heart to it. It is never wrong to like someone but don't push yourself too hard.

It can be a hard task to let a man know that you like him. Fortunately, you can now have access to all the information you need in order to get ahead of the game. You can just go to and explore the things you will need to keep him. Your success in love and relationship is guaranteed.

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