How to Ask a Guy For His Number - 5 Steps to Succeed

By Sarah Nichols Smith

You've met a guy and for some reason you want to keep in touch. How to ask a guy for his number without being too obvious and aggressive? First and foremost, you can't just approach any guy and ask for his number right away. At least make an effort to get to know him and establish a certain level of connection then follow the steps below.

Step #1 - Be comfortable asking him directly

By direct this means that you don't hesitate. Once your mind has come up with a decision then by all means go for it. If you truly like the guy, be comfortable talking to him and ask for his number as if it is the normal thing you do.

Step #2 - Give your number to him

How to ask a guy for his number begins by giving your number to him as well. If he is interested in you, he will call. You will see his number on your caller ID. If he doesn't call, it will be his loss so move on and learn other tricks.

Step #3 - Search online

There are a number of websites offering services of searching for phone numbers and a lot of people have been doing this already. Aside from phone numbers, you can also have access on their address information.

Step #4 - Social networking sites

You can request for him to add you as a friend in social networking sites. Sometimes, people show their phone numbers on their profile however if he doesn't you can send him a private message and ask for his number.

Step #5 - Ask someone

The most plausible step you could do to get his phone number is through a mutual friend or acquaintance that he has given his number to.

After all the attempts on how to ask a guy for his number and yet you still don't have it, chances are he really is not meant for you after all.

Did you know that it is actually too easy to ask a guy for his number? You can have access to tricks and methods that you can employ to eventually get connected with him and probably end up dating each other. A relationship begins in communicating and getting to know so, don't be afraid to ask for his number. More details are available at and get all the tricks at your disposal.

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