Make a Guy Chase You - Put on Your Running Shoes Ladies, This is Guaranteed to Work!

By Tina L. Jones

Are you just plain sick and tired of seeing some girls who have guys simply running after them, while you are stuck in the dust wondering why they won't give you a chance? Do you find that after a few dates with you guys seem ready to move on to the next thing? Well, it is time to put on your running shoes ladies because these tips are guaranteed to make a guy chase you.

Be assertive

Shy girls really do finish last. It is not that there is anything wrong with being shy, but if you want to make a great first impression you are going to have to say more than a few words at dinner. Just think of a few subjects that you can really shine at and bring them up. Don't be pedantic or blab all night only about yourself, but do let him see what makes you different from other girls he dates.

Then, ask him some questions that will get him talking about himself. You can actively listen, throwing in some witty responses without all of the pressure of talking being on you. He will probably love the opportunity to discuss some of the things that make him passionate. Meanwhile, you can learn more about him and know what makes him tick.

Be mysterious

Women who know how to get men wrapped around their little fingers know the importance of playing hard to get. When you give in too easily to a guy or always let him know exactly what you are thinking it may actually bore him. If you feel that sudden urge to tell someone your deepest darkest secrets, call up your best friend instead.

There will be plenty of time later on for you and your dream guy to discuss everything under the sun. In the beginning however, you should make him work for your time and your thoughts. If you want to make a guy chase after you, the first thing that you have to do is run a bit. If you just fall into his arms then how will he be able to chase you?

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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