Three Myths About Men and Love Debunked

Women often complain of being confused about what men want from them and things that impress their men. They have tried things in the past with less success. Modern life has been changing the dynamics of relationships and the old male bastion has come crumbling down. Today's man is not so much worried about the looks as he is worried about the persona of the woman.

Both men and women have evolved and so has the kind of relationship they share. However, women out there should not fret or be bogged down because what men want does not essentially change. It is just about getting the equations right. Here's how.

Love interest: some women out there may be surprised. But the fact is that men like to love and be loved. So women must make sure that they are warm, lovable and ready to give love.

Attractiveness: men like women who are attractive. No, this does not mean that she should be a ramp model or a miss universe material. Some women who are not blessed with the best of features know how to carry off themselves well and be charming. She should be able to grasp others attention and that is the idea of attractive here.

Feminine: you need be someone who wears pink all the time andbe a great teddy bear lover. Nor will you be categorized as masculine of you like adventure sports. But you should espouse femininity in the thing that you do. Men like women who are gentle and kind.

Sense of humor: this is an aspect that can connect you well with men. Women often come across as uptight, bothered about small things. This is something men are totally unfamiliar with and this behavior surfaces frequently, your man won't digest it. They like a girl who is "one among the boys", especially in social gatherings.

By Jack Meijer

I am a hairdresser by profession and a dating enthusiast. Exploring and reviewing websites for free online dating and singles chat is one of my favorite hobbies.

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