Does He Want You to Be His Girlfriend? How to Tell When a Guy Wants More

How can you know if a guy likes you and if he wants you to be his girlfriend? Unfortunately, the fact that a guy shows some interest in you and even asks you out is not enough to let you know for sure that he wants you to be his girlfriend. So, you need to keep reading to find out how serious his feelings for you really are by asking yourself some questions.

Does he pay attention to you when other girls are present?

If the guy that you like only talks to you when you are the only girl around, then he may just be a flirt and not serious about getting into a relationship with you. On the other hand, he may act as if you are the most interesting girl in the room, even when plenty of women are around. If that is the case, then he wants you to be his girlfriend.

Does he only talk about himself?

Many guys out there thrive on attention from sure females because of the way that it feeds their ego. But if a guy is genuinely interested in having you as a girlfriend, then he is going to ask you questions so that he gets to know you better. If you are spending time with a man who is not interested in getting to know the details about you, he is not really into you.

Does he seem nervous when you are around?

While many men have self-confidence around members of the opposite sex, even the most confident man will get a bit nervous when it comes to a woman that he wants to be his girlfriend. If you notice little indications that he is getting nervous in your presence, such as he stumbles or makes silly embarrassing comments, then he likes you. Don't laugh at him or make fun of him, just give him little hints that you feel that way too.

By Tina L. Jones

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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