Friends With Benefits - Should You Risk It?

'Friends with benefits' basically is the term that is used when there is a relationship that includes sexual intimacy with no strings attached. The difference between being friends with benefits with a guy and simply having a causal fling is that you actually do have a sort of friendship first and that you will have an on-going sexual relationship for an undefined amount of time.

And those two issues are why 'friends with benefits' can actually be a more dangerous experience than you might be aware of. Unlike a casual fling, where the two people are more likely to be strangers first and not as likely to have sex more than a few times at most, 'friends with benefits' denotes a closer connection.

What is dangerous about having sex with a guy that you already see as a friend? Well, you already must like him enough to a certain extent to be his friend so there are already emotions involved. For that reason, it is possible that those emotions will actually develop into something more if you sleep with him.

The problem arises when one person develops serious emotions, but the other doesn't. This can easily happen when you combine friendship with sexual intimacy. If you even suspect just a tiny bit that either one of you could fall for the other, do not risk it.

The other problem is that 'friends with benefits' means that even if you are only very casual friends, you are taking the relationship to another level by spending that much more time together. If you honestly feel that spending all of that enjoyable time with him will not lead to developing more serious feelings for him, you are probably kidding yourself.

In the long run, friends with benefits usually leads to more trouble than it could ever be worth.

By Tina L. Jones

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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