What Men Really Want - Dating Advice For the Average Girl

Are you frustrated by the way that the men in your life are always drooling over women who are beautiful, but vapid? If a girl with a overly large chest who can't form a complete thought is what men really want, then how does the average girl ever stand a chance at finding true love?

The good news is that men do not really want what they act like they want, or even what they THINK that they want. While men are attracted to women in the beginning entirely because of physical attributes, those things will not make his interest last for very long.

Rather, what men really want is to find a girl who can keep them excited for an extended period of time and who continues to know how to get him stimulated. If you can be that kind of girl, you will be able to get any man that you set your sights on.

To be that type of girl, you need to be able to be mysterious. Girls who fawn all over men and wear cheap clothes to get their attention grow boring very quickly because there is no mystery. Mystery makes a man wonder whether or not he can even get your affection and that makes him work at it that much harder.

Also, what men really want is to be with a girl who is great company. That might sound very simple, but since most of the time couples are living daily life, not caught up in romantic situations, it is important for him to find a girl that he can just spend quality time with. Be the girl who attracts him as both friend and lover and he will be that much closer to falling in love with you.

By Tina L. Jones

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_L._Jones