Dating and Finding the Love of Your Life

By Toby Hardwick

Dating has greatly evolved through the decades. Before, you may only date one person at a time. Today, I have observed how people could jump from one date to another in just a single day. Yes, that's how fast it is today. We even have speed dating today which allows you to have as much as 15 dates in just an hour. Isn't that amazing or just plain confusing? Changes have taken place but dating is still a tool that will allow you to find the love of your life.

So, how do you go about meeting someone? That is the first step in dating. I myself have ups and downs in finding a date because I failed to do one thing or I did something that is a huge no-no. I see dating as a game, if you do not have the proper tools to make things happen, you may actually lose the battle. So, allow me to give you four rules that I have learned in order to meet new people that I could date. These are actually basic techniques that we usually find unimportant. You might be a little surprised of how simple my advices are.

First Rule: Communicate

Like I mentioned, it's simple. Yes, it is a basic requirement but most of us actually forget this word.

Communication is a two way street. You must talk and you should allow the other party to talk, and when they do you should listen. If you notice that your date is shy, try to facilitate. Ask some questions and try to find a topic that both of you are interested in. Sometimes, just because your date does not talk, it doesn't mean that they are not interested. They might just be shy.

However, if you have already done all the work to make it happens, and they are just giving you the cold shoulder. Let go. They are not worth your time. To practice communication, you may start by saying "Hello" or "Good Morning" to your neighbour. Practice does wonders.

Second Rule: Make some friends and get acquainted to different people

As you extend your network, you are also extending the possibility of finding the love of your life. Try to catch-up with old friends and ask them how they are doing. I bet your friends are aware that you are currently looking for a partner. Tell them that you are really interested to find someone so they could help you meet other people. The more friends you have, the more parties and get-togethers you could attend to. Your future partner might be on the next event you'll attend to.

Third rule: I am available.

Your availability shouldn't be exclusive in your Internet messenger status. You should really be available. If the friend you have established contact with called you up for a quick snack, go. If you called them up but you aren't sincere with the friendship, your friend might not invite you in his or her next party. Hence, you miss an opportunity to meet new people. The second and third rules are interconnected. You should be able to maintain the friendship active so you will be successful with the third rule.

Fourth Rule: Do it!

Rules two and three is just one source. That is your plan A and this is your plan B. Research for organization or clubs that caters for hobbies that you are interested with. If you are into being healthy, you may join a gym or a Capoeira club, where you can learn a new way to sweat. The key here is, try to find an activity that you usually do alone. Then find a club that caters for group. You can your potential partner here.

The bottom line here is growing your network. Sometimes, you are stuck with your current status because you don't see a potential partner. So, explore and enjoy dating. I tell you, you'll find the love of your life soon.

Toby Hardwick knows how hard fixing a relationship can be. Visit his website relationship DIY to find out more ways of helping yourself to solve the problems you are experiencing.

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