Ways to Make Him Want You! Here is How to Make Your Guy Desperately Desire to Be With You

By Russell Jackson

For girls, it is a dream come true to have the guy that you want to want you back. Apparently, not all men are affectionate or show their true emotions to girls. Girls are more affectionate and emotional and sometimes, if guys can't show that same affection, it can lead to break up. If you want to make a guy want you, here are some useful tips for you.

1. Carry yourself confidently

Do not feel inferior about yourself. If you want a guy to like you back, you should be stunning with confidence. True enough, you need to make some efforts to make yourself beautiful so that you can be confident; however, beauty is not just about the physical appearance. If you know how to carry yourself confidently, you will project a unique beauty that will make him want you.

2. Always smile

Sometimes when you are all stressed up, you forget how to smile and be happy with your life. Rather than being always anxious, you should smile at your worries. People around you will feel your cheerfulness and guys want girls that are not always stressed. Always wear a smile on your face and guys will like you for that.

3.Make an effort to look beautiful

Of course, it is important that you are always neat and pretty. Physical attraction in men is greater than in women because women tend to be affected with their emotions. If you want the guy that you want to want you back, then you should make an effort to look beautiful. Have a haircut that will complement your face and will make you look more beautiful.

4. Be a cooking master

The way to a man's heart is his stomach. If you want the guy to want you back, then you should learn how to cook various dishes especially his favorite dish. Guys want girls who know how to please their stomach so you should also research about the food that he wants.

5. Learn new skills

In order to attract the opposite sex, you need to learn new skills that can impress them. Femininity is not just about acting gracefully, but it is also about power. Learn new sports and try mastering it. A guy would be impressed with a girl that has talent.

6. Be able to manage your time wisely

All work and no play will make you a dull girl. If you want someone to like you, you should be able to manage your time wisely. Have extra activities and learn how to have fun while you are also at work. This way, you will be able to eliminate stress and project a positive aura.

7. Make him feel comfortable during conversations

Apparently, communication also plays an important role in making a guy want you. You should be a good communicator and you should know how to converse with him in a fun and witty way. You will definitely make him want you if you know how to communicate with him properly.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Russell_Jackson
