How to Land the Guy You Want! Here Are Some Real Effective Ways to Land the Guy You Want Real Fast

By Russell Jackson

Usually, most women would feel that they are only encountering those guys that they don't want rather than the dream guy that they are waiting for. If you feel the same way, you are probably missing out something that's why you are not meeting the guy that you want. If you want to land the guy you want, here are some tips that might help you.

1. Never assume that all guys have similar interests

Apparently, most women thought that all guys have the same interests. However, this is not true. There are some things that men want while other men don't. Hence, if you want to land the guy you want, make sure that you know his interests and don't assume.

2. Be attractive but do not overdo it

Of course, guys want women who are attractive. If you want a certain guy, you should know what he finds attractive in women and try to meet those qualifications. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be a super model or you need to undergo cosmetic surgery. Just be yourself and make the most out of it.

3. Do not be fickle-minded

Never change your beliefs or sway your decisions just to land the guy you want. Men do not like women who can't stand up for what they believe and they find it unattractive. Have your own mind and do not simply agree to what he has to say.

4. Act gently and in a feminine way

Guys like it when women are feminine and fragile because they feel that they can protect these girls. If you want to land the guy that you want, do not be intimidating and act naturally and in a feminine way. Show him that you are gentle and you are caring because it will attract him the most.

5. Accept his flaws

Nobody's perfect, even your dream guy. If you want to land with the guy that you want, you should learn to accept his flaws. Do not pressure him to change those flaws because you'll end up clashing with each other. Instead, you should accept him for what he is and he will truly appreciate it.

6. Do not rush things

You know you want him very much and he's the ideal man for you. However, if you rush things up, you will only end up not having him. If you want a guy, do not always initiate the moves. Instead, let him also show him that he wants you and do not force yourself to him because this is a major turn off.

7. Do not assume that he also wants you back

If you want a guy and you are getting close to him, it doesn't necessarily mean that he already feels the same way to you. If you want him, do not assume that he also wants you back. Instead, wait for him to show you that he likes you too.

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