How to Flirt With Men - Making it Effective

By Tina L. Jones

Do you know how to make your smile count when you try to flirt with men? Do you feel uncomfortable and odd when you make the attempt to flirt, so you'd just as soon not flirt at all? Are you reluctant to put much weight on the effectiveness of flirting? Flirting does have its place in the dating arena and knowing how to do it just right can have a tremendous effect on your romantic life.

Sometimes flirting can be as simple as a sweet and genuine smile. Directed at the man of interest, it can tell him that you're accessible. It also lights up your face and gives everyone around you the desire to get closer. Try out a few different smiles as you look at your self in the mirror. Can you pull off a seductive smile or are you better off with a friendly, warm smile?

Glance in the direction of that man frequently. Never stop to stare at him for too long, but just let your gaze linger on him a moment before moving on. If his eyes connect with yours, smile and hold his gaze, just long enough to let him know you noticed him, then move on. You don't want to be too obvious.

Once the ice is broken and you've managed to get him to come over to talk to you, let your body language tell him that you find him interesting. You can put your hand to his shoulder or arm for a moment as he talks to you. This is a great indicator of your interest for him and opens up another degree of intimacy.

The important thing to remember to make all this effective, is to bring your own personality into it. Don't try to copy exactly what other women do. A titillating lick of your lips may not work on you as it did for her. Be true to yourself and don't try to fake your way through it. He'll notice and your efforts won't work.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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