Make Him Crazy For You - Three Simple Steps

By Tina L. Jones

Do you wish you could make him crazy for you? Do you often wonder how other girls just always seem to drive men crazy? Are you ready to drive a man crazy and make him fall for you? Like many women you want to know the secret to getting a man. Read on to find out how to make him crazy for you.

What you need to know to make a guy crazy about you is really simple-you need a fun, friendship, and faith. Relationship need three things to survive and keep in going. Those three important elements are fun, friendship, and faith.

Fun: A guy wants to know that you can have fun and you have a sense of humor. In the early stages of your relationship, keep things light and fun. Keep conversation easy, and focus on positive upbeat things, When things in life do go wrong, having a sense of humor and being able to stay positive in the face of adversity, is a huge draw to any man.

Friendship: All relationships need a solid foundation. Friendship is a great place to begin a relationship. Taking time to get to know each other, finding out what each other enjoys and finding ways to make each other happy, will keep the relationship going for a long time.

Faith: One thing a guy needs to know is that you trust him. If you show signs of jealousy when he isn't around or you feel insecure when he talks to another girl, you will drive him away. Guys like women who are secure in themselves and have confidence. Trusting him enough to give him space is a sure way to keep him around.

When trying to build a relationship that will last, you need to be able to have fun together, you need to be friends, and you need to trust each other. These three things will make him crazy for you.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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