How to Make a Guy Fall For You! Here is How to Tickle His Mind & Make Him Fall For You Fast

By Russell Jackson

You will need to wow the guy of your dreams and make him fall hard for you so that you can tend to him with your loving hands.

You should use these tips to make a guy fall for you so that he simply forgets that other girls exist on this planet.

Catch his eye This does not mean physically catching his eyeballs but instead catching his roving eye as he checks out each girl in the room. Allow him to observe you and watch him for a few seconds before moving your gaze elsewhere. Repeat this action a few times so as to get his undivided attention.

Put your best hip forward Guys are constructed in such a manner that they usually scan the physical attributes of a girl in the first few seconds. You can now use your body to attract him as you put your best hip forward and walk away from him in a bid to get a juice or a drink. Your guy would now be gasping for breath.

Do not approach him Even if you like the guy from afar, do not make the mistake of approaching him first. Let your eyes lead the awed guy right towards you as he tries to think of a good opening line.

Act impressed but remain cordial Even if his opening line is pathetic act as if you are impressed unless you only want to date a poet or an author. If you really like him then appreciate his effort, although you should only remain cordial with him and wear a cloak of mystery around your body at all times.

Lock on to his eyes Once the guy has established verbal contact then look into his eyes so as to captivate him completely. All the coolness and bravado will evaporate from your guy once you lock on to his eyes even as he tries desperately to decipher what your mesmerizing eyes are trying to tell him.

Praise him within limits Your guy will surely fall for you once you praise his sinewy biceps, his shirt or jeans, or his hair style. Guys like praises too, but remember to save your praises for later instead of simply lifting his head into the clouds in the first encounter.

Act like a girl Do not act in a macho manner by cursing or acting in an indifferent manner. Act like a coy girl since that is what most guys fall for. Retain your respect by acting with confidence while still exhibiting shyness and watch your guy fall for you like a ton of heart-shaped bricks.

These tips will make the guy of your dreams fall right into your lap of reality. Use them and watch your guy profess his undying love for you within no time.

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