Woman Dating Tips - How to Get HIM to Want YOU

By Chris Tyler

You don't want to attract just any old guy out there. You want to be able to attract the kind of guy that you can have a real relationship with, one that you can enjoy spending your time with, and when you meet that guy...you want to know how to get him to want you. Women have been dealing with this issue for a LONG time, but you don't have to deal with it ANY longer!

What are some dating tips you as a woman can use to get him to want you?

1. You have to flirt with him in a way that gradually builds his attraction for you. You don't want to come off too strong when flirting with a man, but you also don't want to be too passive, either. When you gradually build attraction flirting with a man, you will make him start to think about you and wonder about you. Once you are the one that is running through his mind, you will have him right where you want him to be.

2. You want to make sure that you leave him wanting MORE of you. When you tease a man just the right way, he will drive himself wild and crazy thinking about you. And this is going to make you much more attractive in his eyes, which is EXACTLY what you want. You don't just have to tease a man sexually to make him want more of you, you can make him wonder about you and what you are doing.

3. You have to be able to talk to him without boring him. Once of the biggest complains that most guys have is that the conversations with women tend to bore them. And of course, if you REALLY want to get him to want you, then you don't want him to feel this way. You don't have to talk about sports to get him interested in you, you just have to know how to talk to a guy to build attraction with him.

Want to learn more exciting woman dating tips?

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Copyright (c) 2010 Chris Tyler. All Rights Reserved.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Tyler
