Getting a Guy - What Any Girl Can Do

By Tina L. Jones

Are your chances of getting a guy slim? Do you believe that true love will never happen for you? Have you played it nice, sexy, aggressive and submissive and nothing worked? It can be easy to complain that men simply don't know what they want, but if you dig deeper you can learn what men truly have on their minds when it comes to women and love.

If you were to read about relationships in the past, you'd probably think that women back then had it easy with regards to figuring out what their role was. They were the loving and supporting wife, the doting mother and the meticulous housewife. Nothing more was expected of them.

Well, a little more is expected today, or can we say the expectations have shifted? Men want a woman who can hold her own. He admires a woman who has a successful career and who can juggle her work life with her home life. He also enjoys being with a woman who has a mind of her own. Gone are the days where women simply agreed with everything a man said.

Now she can have her own opinions. Share your opinions with him and don't be afraid to hold back. You're smart and you have your life experiences under your belt and you should let him know about it all.

Eavesdrop on men's conversation as they discuss their wives or girlfriends and you'll see the extent with which they want to up each other with their mate's accomplishments and talents. A guy is proud to announce that his wife just got a promotion, while another is happy to declare that his girlfriend just made it into a prestigious university.

Don't just be a bump on a log and expect him to fulfill you. Few men are up for the role. But if you can show him all that you have going on, and how independent you are, he'll admire you. Don't make it all business though. Have fun and also show him the wild and crazy side to your personality. Do you skydive or windsurf or race dirt bikes? Whatever it is that makes you who you are, let him know.

Getting the guy is really a matter of putting yourself out there, showing men how great you are, then building that special bond with him.

These are just some of the great things you can do to improve your relationship with a man. To get more relevant advice about dating and relationships, sign up for my free newsletter here. Join the tens of thousands of my readers who get great dating advice e-mailed straight to their inboxes every single day!

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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